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Guide sets out achievable options for safe hot water

Baxi has launched a new guide outlining the opportunities available to reduce the carbon intensity of domestic hot water (DHW) generation in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

The report Hospitals, healthcare facilities and the low-carbon hot water challenge discusses:

-       The considerations for DHW provision in hygiene-critical environments

-       The latest technologies to achieve more efficient DHW generation

-       The design options for improved efficiency on the decarbonisation pathway

-       Achievable solutions to help deliver NHS sustainability goals

Baxi guide for hospitals and healthcare facilities

The NHS has set ambitious targets in England for reaching net zero from its directly controlled emissions by 2040, and has identified reducing carbon emissions from DHW generation as a way to achieving this target.

The guide assesses the benefits and design considerations relating to options including medium and high-temperature air source heat pumps, to hybrid approaches that combine electric heat pumps with gas-fired direct water heaters.


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